Request a Kit
When a child is first diagnosed with Type 1 the transition back to school may be difficult. Children are learning their new way of life with constant pokes and monitoring and simultaneously fielding questions from kids and adults who don't understand their condition. Type 1 Explained provides free materials to help educate the community around a newly diagnosed Type 1 child. Our kit includes a children's book to help explain diabetes to their peers, trinkets to help continue the conversation, and resources for teachers/coaches who may not be familiar with their needs. These kits are designed to help families talk about diabetes and make the transition easier without the added on burden of putting these materials together themselves. Kits can be requested below and come at no charge to the newly diagnosed diabetic's family. We ask that you only request one per child.
*We are currently taking pre-orders for kids as we fundraise to purchase the materials and will send them out as soon as they are ready. Thank you for your patience!